Friday, February 12, 2010

Villalobos and The Conquest of Mexico

In researching the name Villalobos, I came across "The Memoirs of the Conquistador Bernal Diaz del Castillo."

If you are not familiar with the name, he was one of the soldiers who accompanied Hernan Cortes during the  1519 defeat of the Aztecs of Mexico.

Bernal wrote his memoirs several years later, after reading accounts of what had happened that were written by individuals who hadn't even been there. His account is simple, straighforward and, as far as is known, quite honest.

The reason I mention him and his book is that one of the names he lists is "Villalobos."

And I thought you might be interested to see if your last name is among those who were involved in the conquest by Spain of Mexico nearly 500 years ago.  Here are the surnames, as listed in Bernal Diaz' book:

Aguilar - Alamilla - Alaminos - Alanis - Alerza - Almodovar - Alobancho - Alonso - Alpedrino - Alvarado - Amaya - Angula - Aragon - Arevalo - Arguello - Ario - Artiaga - Astorgos - Avila - Balnor - Barco - Barrientos - Bejel - Berritez - Bonal - Burguenno

Caceres - Camillas - Cardenas - Cardona - Carmonas - Caro - Carrero - Carvajal - Castaneda - Catalan - Cermenno - Cervantes - Chico - Cieza - Corral - Cortes - Cuellar – Cuenca

De Coria - De la Loa - De las Casas - De las Varillas - De Mola - De Palo - Del Puerto - Del Rio - Diaz - Dominguez – Duran

Escalante - Escalona - Escobar - Escudero - Espinosa - Estrada - Farsan - Figuero - Flamenco - Flores - Florin - Gallego - Galvez - Gamboa - Garona - Garcia - Genna - Gorrez - Grado - Granado - Gutierres – Guzman

Hernandez - Herrera - Hurones - Ircio - Jaen - La Serna - Lares - Larios - Lencero - Leon - Lerma - Lopez – Lugo

Madrid - Madrigal - Magallanes - Magarino - Maite - Maldonado - Manquillo - Marin - Martin - Martinez - Median - Medrano - Mendes - Mercado - Mesa - Misa - Monjaraz - Monroy - Montannes - Montejo - Morales - Moreno - Morillas - Morla – Moron

Najara - Navarro - Naxara - Nortes - Nuñez - Ochoa - Oinzones - Ojeda - Olea - Oli - Olmedo - Olmedo - Ordas - Orozco - Orteguilla - Ortiz – Osorio

Pacheco - Palencia - Palma - Pardo - Paredes - Pennalosa - Pennates - Perez - Pinedo - Pizarro - Platero - Plazuela - Polanco - Poron - Porras - Portillo – Quintero - Rabaso - Ramirez - Rapapelo - Ribadeo - Rodriguez - Rojas - Romero – Ruano

Sabrite - San Juan - Sanchez - Sandaña - Sandoval - Santa Clara - Santiago - Santisteban - Saragoza - Saucedo - Sedenno - Siciliano - Solis - Sopuerta – Suarez

Talavera - Terrazas - Tirado - Tostado - Trebejo - Truxillos (Trujillos) - Tuvilla - Umbria

Valdovinos - Valencia - Valenciano - Valladolid - Vandadas - Vargas - Varguillas - Vasquez - Velasquez - Villafuerte - Villalobos - Villanuevas - Villareal – Villasinda

Xaramillo (Jaramillo) - Ximena (Jimena) - Ximenes (Jimenez) - Yannez - Zamisdio

...Quite a list, yet it is incomplete because Diaz couild not recall the names of everyone who took part.
We tend to think that the Astecs of Mexico were defeated by "a handful of men" (five or six), but actually there were many. Not "many" compared to the number of Indians against whom they fought, but "many" in the sense of more than a mere handful.
Iis your last name among those listed above?

...And here is today's link  Gigliola Cinquetti

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